This is an example of a one of a kind, custom, hand painted denim pant. This particular sample is not for sale. It is just to give you an idea of what the finished product may look like if you choose to comission some artwork on a pair of your pants, on your jacket, on your shirt, or some other clothing item that you own. The art is signed by the artist. It can be machine washed.
Hand painted denim pant
Choose the options that you want to feature on your custom denim pant design. For example, from the color menu select your favorite color. From temperature menu select one option. From the shape nd form menu, select one option warm colors, or cold colors, or pastels, or earthtones, etcetera.
Note that you can also allow the artist to make the choices if you want. Also note that, the artist may choose to not use an option that you choose, if it does not match with the rest of your options.
You can also prefer to not choose any options and let the artist decide.